Begin with a capital letter.
A brand is not just a logo, it is also a visual asset that serves as a medium to convey the perception that shapes the image of a brand. Consistent visual appearance will make a brand easily recognizable. Therefore, brand usage guidelines aim to maintain the consistency of a brand's visual appearance.
Use this logo on dark backgrounds.
Use this logo on light backgrounds.
Use this icon on dark backgrounds.
Use this icon on light backgrounds.
Always use the provided files or follow the defined color guidelines when using the BOTIKA logo across different media.
C:92% M:76% Y:25% K:54%
Hex Color #001B3D
R:0 G:27 B:61
The clear space area is the space around the logo that ensures it does not overlap or is overlapped by other visual elements. `
The use of the BOTIKA icon is limited to digital platforms when the primary BOTIKA logo cannot be used due to low readability in small sizes or restricted placement space.
"Answering Opportunity" is Botika's tagline. Its use is optional and does not need to be attached to the logo, but if there is enough space, it can be placed below the logo.
Correct way to write the Botika brand name
Begin with a capital letter.
Or use all capital letters.
Incorrect way to write the Botika brand name
Writing in lowercase letters.
To maintain Botika's brand consistency, always follow these guidelines for logo usage
Changing the logo color to anything other than Botika's official colors is not permitted.
Adding an outline stroke to the logo is not allowed.
Changing the logo configuration from a single line to two lines is not allowed.
BOTIKA at FSI Event with VADS - Managing your Digital Customer with CX Digital Solution
BOTIKA for Smart City 2 | DKI Jakarta Smart City Collaboration 4.0
Chatbotika at Startup Klinik RBTV
BOTIKA for Smart City | DKI Jakarta Smart City Collaboration 4.0
BOTIKA Text to Speech | #AnsweringOpportunity
BOTIKA Event | Botika at Indonesia Marketeers Festival Yogyakarta 2019 | #AnsweringOpportunity